Early Years, Key Stages 1 & 2
School visits
Key info
- Easily accessible by coach, five minutes from M6 J35 on the A6 north bound
- Free car and coach parking
- Well stocked gift shop with a varied range of animal-themed gifts, natural minerals and fossils, as well as fair trade gifts and locally produced confectionery
- More flexible arrangements with local schools who are considering projects involving repeated visits for small groups over longer periods
- Teachers are welcome on 'scouting missions'. We do ask you to pay, but if you collect a teacher's receipt your personal entry fee will be refunded to you in cash when you return with the group.
- Please get in touch with any questions or proposals, or to make a booking please phone 015395 63027 or email education@wildlifeoasis.co.uk .
Workshops available
- Madagascan animals - An island with some superbly adapted animals.
- Classification - Which creatures belong together and why?
- Conservation - What is it? Why do we need it? What can we do?
- Evolution - How does it happen and what are the results?
- Habitats - A look at different habitats and what lives in them.
- Life cycles - From egg to adult - there is more than one way to do it!
- Meet the animals - A comparison between three very different creatures.
- Mini beasts - An investigation of some of our smaller and most curious creatures.
- Rainforests - A closer look at one of the most exciting habitats on earth.
Other topics may be available on request.
Typically schools arrive any time after 10am when the centre opens and stay until about 2pm, though afternoon visits are also very welcome. We have separate, indoor, areas to eat a packed lunch and a café is available for any hot drinks etc.
We can cope with bigger groups from the same school but will have no more than two standard classes booked in on any one day from separate schools.
Home Schooling
We have successfully hosted several groups of homeschoolers who have combined to meet the 15 paying people criteria for our free guided indoor tour and would provide a workshop for £30. If that is not feasible, for smaller groups we may be able to give a short 'meet the animal' session free of charge. Alternatively, at weekends and during school holidays, we offer many animal talks and 'meet the critter' sessions included in the standard admission price.
Nursery groups are very welcome. Touching or holding a real living creature - under careful supervision - is particularly valuable for the younger child. We are well used to adapting the tour to the appropriate age.
Nursery groups of 12 or more (paying) children i.e. those 3 - 4 years of age will be offered free adult entry at the rate of 1 adult to 3 children. If the group consists of younger children too, and does not meet the 12 paying children threshold, adults will be charged at the rate of £7 per head too. A short tour will be included if the number of paying people reaches the qualifying number.
For school classes of a minimum of 16 children our rates per head are;
- £8 - Standard admission with short indoor tour (outside area self-guided)
- £10 - Admission with a workshop chosen from the list below and a tour linked to the topic (both together lasting from a 10am arrival until lunch starting at 12-12.30). After lunch the visit is self-guided with worksheets available
- £13 - A full structured day, with the option of 1 or 2 separate workshops, complete with topic related tour and talks (including worksheets). The day would be fully accompanied from arrival (10am) until departure 2 -2.30pm (with toilet breaks and lunch time, with some time in the shop if wanted)
For groups smaller than 16 we offer a flat rate of £120 for a standard visit with a short tour and an extra £30 for a workshop.
We offer free adult entry for supervision to school groups at the rate of:
- 4-8 years - 1 adult per 6 children
- 9-12 years - 1 adult per 8 children
An extra adult may be included for any child with special needs. Other adults are charged at the school standard rate of £8.
Download risk assessment and zoo rules (pdf)