*Please note that the keeper academy programme is currently suspended and we are not taking new applications.*
Keeper academy and junior keeper academy
Do you want to learn what it takes to be a zoo keeper?
Do you want to know what a zoo keeper does all day?
Do you want to know if being a zoo keeper is for you?
...if you answered yes to any of these, or a young person you are close to would answer yes, why not sign up for our academy courses!
Our successful junior keeper academy is a 6 week program that is open to children aged 8 – 11 years old. It runs 1pm -4pm on Saturday afternoons. The cost of the academy is £150 per child, which includes 1 free adult entry to the zoo during session times. Discounts are available for multiple children from the same family.
Due to popular demand we are now starting a keeper academy for young people aged 12-16 years. These will be longer sessions from 10.30 until 3.30 also on Saturdays. This will cost £240 a head, once again with discounts available for more than one child from the same family and a free adult entry during session times.

We are currently reviewing our academy program and will update the website when new dates are decided.